Promoting Inquiry Through
Science Reflective Journal Writing
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Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE
Anglo Chinese School (Independent), SINGAPORE
Publication date: 2008-10-22
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2008;4(3):279-283
The purpose of this research paper is to detail how reflective journal writing can be used
to facilitate science students’ curiosity and engagement in laboratory work. This study
advocates reflective journal writing as an instructional tool and a student-created learning
resource that can serve additional formative assessment purposes. The researchers tracked
a single teacher and his class over a period of five weeks and documented the changes that
occurred when reflective journal writing was used to supplement the teaching and learning
of specific curriculum items (the usage of scientific equipment and the particulate nature
of matter). Findings presented show that the number and quality of students’ questions
rose over time. While the number of research studies carried out with inquiry as the focus
is plentiful, this paper outlines a generative strategy to enhance questioning which
constitutes the essential first step in any inquiry process for any particular science content