Reform- Based Curriculum &
Acquisition of the Levels
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Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Afyonkarahisar, TURKEY
Publication date: 2007-06-22
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2007;3(1):41-49
The aim of this study was to compare the acquisition of the van Hiele levels of sixthgrade
students engaged in instruction using a reform-based curriculum with sixth-grade
students engaged in instruction using a traditional curriculum. There were 273 sixthgrade
mathematics students, 123 in the control group and 150 in the treatment group,
involved in the study. The researcher administered a multiple-choice geometry test to the
students before and after a five - week of instruction. The test was designed to detect
students’ reasoning stages in geometry. The independent-samples t-test, the pairedsamples
t-test and ANCOVA with α = .05 were used to analyze the data. The study
demonstrated that although both types of instructions had positive impacts on the
students’ progress, there was no statistical significant difference detected in the
acquisition of the levels between the groups.