Seventh-grade Students'
Understanding of Chemical
Reactions: Reflections from an
Action Research Interview Study
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University of Bremen, Bremen, GERMANY
Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium, Garbsen, and University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim, GERMANY
University of Cyprus, Nicosia, CYPRUS
Publication date: 2007-12-23
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2007;3(4):271-286
This paper discusses seventh-grade students' explanations of dissolution and combustion
and also identifies their understanding of the differences between physical and chemical
changes. A teaching strategy was initially negotiated within an action research group and
this strategy was then employed in teaching seventh-grade students. The teaching
approach applied the idea that discrete particle changes can be used to differentiate
chemical reactions from simple physical changes. Data were collected by an action
research group teacher who conducted interviews with dyads of students from different
chemistry classrooms. The interviews were transcribed, subsequently analyzed and
evaluated in co-operation with researchers from the university. The main mistakes and
alternative conceptions that have been identified are discussed. Further, some implications
for developing appropriate teaching strategies and curriculum materials are also