Simulation Technologies in Preparing Teachers to Deal with Risks
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Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University, Xi’an, China
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Russia
Online publication date: 2017-07-29
Publication date: 2017-07-29
Corresponding author
Yangtao Kong   

Male, Master, Lecturer, Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University, Xi’an, China, +86 29-81530115
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):4753-4763
The modernization of the current education system, socio-economic shifts in society and increasing migration call for changes in teacher education as today’s teachers need to be mobile, adaptable and capable of anticipating and neutralizing negative factors that arise from various risk factors in the field of education. In view of this we argue that noxological preparation is an important component in teacher education. In this study our main objective is (1) to identify the problematic areas in the psycho-pedagogical and methodological components of teacher education in a multicultural setting and (2) to test the effectiveness of simulation technologies in preparing teachers to deal with risks. Our main research methods were pedagogical modeling and the project-based approach which enabled us to create a model of working students in problem-focused groups with the use of simulation technologies and to create an assessment complex which helps evaluate the preparedness of future teachers to work under risks in a multicultural environment. Moreover, we have developed an assessment complex tool which enables to assess if teachers are prepared to work in the context of increased migration. This tool helps establish the ethnic identity types of future teachers as well as evaluate their coping strategies. We have evaluated the increasing potential of simulation technologies and how they can be used for effective multicultural teacher education; we have established the criteria for teacher competences and preparedness to deal with risks; we have identified the conditions of the effective use of simulation technologies in the informational space of a university. In order to develop the noxological competence of future teachers we have developed an educational model which aims to develop the preparedness of teachers to deal with risks with the use of simulation technologies. The materials of this study represent practical value for the specialists working in the field of teacher education in a multicultural environment.
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