Social Acceptance of Students with Special Needs from Peer Viewpoint
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Expert Special Education Teacher, Ministry of National Education, Nicosia, N. CYPRUS
Near East University, Faculty of Art and Science, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Nicosia, N. CYPRUS
Near East University, Atatürk Faculty of Education, Department of Turkish Language Teaching, Nicosia, N. CYPRUS
Online publication date: 2017-11-01
Publication date: 2017-11-01
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(11):7287-7294
This article has been presented in ICES 2017 - International Conference on Environmental Sciences & Educational Studies. This article belongs to the special issue " Interdisciplinary Research on the Environmental Education, Educational Studies in Sustainability & Instructional Technologies and Designs".
Individuals with special needs have such rights as benefiting from health services and obtaining an education which is consistent with their abilities. As long as they can use these rights effectively like other individuals do, they are satisfied, active and productive in their social lives. Individuals with special needs who were ignored and neglected for centuries became socially accepted after social values began to change in a positive direction. This positive change was mostly felt in the field of education. The purpose of this study is to display the social acceptance level of students with special needs by normal peers in inclusive classes in TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus). According to the findings, female participant students show more positive social acceptance towards inclusive students compared to male students, and it was found out that social acceptance level does not show any difference based on age of the participants.
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