Mathematics is a difficult subject for elementary school students. One of the causes is errors in
mathematical concepts and principles made by students. For this reason, efforts need to be made
to improve the concept and principles of quadrilaterals. The aim of this research is to design
student learning trajectories in finding the perimeter and area of a rectangle in the context of a
fishing pond. This is research with a design research approach. The subjects of this research were
50 students divided into two groups, 25 people each. Data collection techniques through
observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is qualitative and is
developed through certain relationship patterns. The results of this research show that the
mathematics learning trajectory design was implemented very well. It improves the ability of
understanding about quadrilaterals. The learning path is activity-1: students create a
representation of the context of a fishing pond and a rectangular image. Activity-2: students
determine the perimeter of a rectangular image by placing match sticks around the rectangle in
sequence, holding them tightly together. Activity-3: students determine the circumference of the
fishing pond. Activity-4: students determine how to calculate the circumference of the pond by
drawing a rectangle using matchsticks. Activity-5: students discover the principle of perimeter of
a rectangle. The conclusion of this research is that the mathematics learning trajectory design is
valid, practical, and increases the ability to understand concepts and principles from quadrilaterals.
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