Teacher noticing: Advancing understanding of teaching, learning, policy, and practice in mathematics education

Call for Papers
Human beings have the innate ability to notice the events that occur in the environment around. Whereas this ability appears to be mundane and ordinary, it has received growing attention from educational researchers and practitioners alike who tend to view it from a conceptual and methodical perspective. In classroom, teachers do notice something happen and yet ignore other things. Teacher noticing generally refers to what teachers observe and how they make sense of their observations to respond to classroom situations. There is a general consensus that teacher noticing involves three inter-rated processes and skills: attending, interpreting, and deciding. Teacher noticing is also found to be highly contextual and interdependent and can take place both in a top-down and a bottom-up manner.

As its name suggests, teachers are the primary focus of teacher noticing research and yet research contributions in this area in relation to teaching, learning, policy, and practice in mathematics education have been widely demonstrated. For teachers, learning to engage in productive noticing is considered an important instructional skill. For students, they show better mathematical understanding and higher achievement from the adaptive practice of teachers who understand their thinking through noticing. Teachers who notice the dynamic working in their classrooms are more ready to make and implement policy that creates favorable conditions for student learning. Teacher noticing has been a recognized component of expert practice that allows teachers to develop sensitivities toward certain aspects of their work relevant to their practice. Despite all these research efforts, as a relatively new area of inquiry in mathematics education, there are still many unanswered research questions that merit further empirical investigation.

Based on the above, this call for manuscript submissions focuses on studies that report teacher noticing for advancing our understanding of teaching, learning, policy, and practice in mathematics education. We are particularly interested in studies that examine novel issues or tackle problems with new approaches or methodologies in mathematics teacher noticing and can make significant contributions to and impact on the mathematics education community. Submissions are invited for, but are not limited to, the following topics:
* The nature of teacher noticing
* Theories or frameworks for the study of teacher noticing
* Methodological issues in the study of teacher noticing
* Assessment of teacher noticing
* Understanding students’ mathematical thinking through teacher noticing
* Teacher noticing in different grades and socio-cultural contexts
* Using technology for teacher noticing
* Teacher perceptions of the practice of noticing
* Teacher noticing among pre-service and in-service teachers
* Professional development for teacher noticing
* Longitudinal study of teacher noticing
* Video-based study of teacher noticing

Before manuscript submissions, authors should carefully read ‘Aims & Scope’ of the EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education and particularly ‘Instructions for Authors’ ( https://www.ejmste.com ).

Prospective authors should submit their complete manuscripts through the platform https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/eurasia according to the following timetable:

Manuscript Due January 31, 2018
First Round of Reviews April 30, 2018
Publication Date July 31, 2018

Authors should select the manuscript type: SI - Teacher noticing: Advancing understanding of teaching, learning, policy, and practice in mathematics education

Guest Editors
Prof. Wilfred W.F. Lau, Ph.D.
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG SAR

Dr. Yiu Kwong Man, Ph.D.
Department of Mathematics and Information Technology
The Education University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG SAR
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