Visualisation plays a critical role in the teaching and learning of mathematics word problems. It is
an essential tool for enabling learners to create meaningful mental pictures necessary for solving
mathematical problems. Appropriate visualisation requires good reading skills, English proficiency
and an understanding of mathematical vocabulary, language and structure. Although visualisation
plays such a critical role, teachers often do not pay attention to linguistic factors when teaching
mathematics word problems, thus making it difficult for learners to visualise and solve
mathematics word problems. This background positions the study to explore teachers’
perspectives on the linguistic factors that affect the visualisation of mathematics word problems
and to identify appropriate solutions to these. Using a single-case exploratory study, the
perspectives of six mathematics teachers were elicited through focus group discussions and
reflection sessions. The data collected were analysed through thematic analysis techniques. The
findings indicate strategies to address the lack of reading skills, including understanding
mathematical language and the structure and ambiguities of mathematics word problems.
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