Technology Enhanced Instruction: An Example of English Language Learning in the Context of Peace
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Near East University, N. CYPRUS
Athabasca University, CANADA
University of North Texas, USA
Publication date: 2017-04-18
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(6):1605-1614
Early childhood quality education is a cornerstone in educational development. Many countries have started to develop their own preschool educational system in accordance with the European Union Standards, where learning English language and using technology are prerequisites. In this research, the peace context was used as a mediator for learning the English language. The study aimed to reveal the impact of learning through technology in the English language. It was conducted on five-year-old children (n = 18( in one class where the English language was the core subject. The acquisition of knowledge depended on in-class gamification activities and home activities. Each participant received an educational DVD to use at home that included all the materials for learning, such as words, songs, videos, and short films about peace in English. All materials were selected in according with the "fair use policy" for educational purposes. The research process included an initial interview (checklist) in which content analyses were made. In addition, assessment software was developed based on the required analysis to explain statistical findings.
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