In this study, the process of design, implementation, evaluation, and redesign of a Teaching-Learning Sequence (TLS) on simple machines for students of 9-12 years old is shown according
to the principles of Design Based Research. The aim is to create a TLS that satisfactorily addresses
the conceptual difficulties inherent to the object of study and that succeeds in fostering self-regulation skills and creativity. Both qualitative (focus group, semi-structured interviews, students’
reports, and teacher’s class notes) and quantitative instruments (a validated questionnaire and an
ad hoc one with content validation by experts) are used. The statistical analysis of the
questionnaires and the narrative analysis of the qualitative instruments have been triangulated.
The results show that students manage to address the conceptual and procedural difficulties of
the object of study while developing emotional (enjoyment and self-efficacy) and cognitive
(metacognition) self-regulation skills, as well as creativity related to the scientific and artisan
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