The Development of Decision-Making Skills
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University of Cyprus, Nicosia, CYPRUS
Publication date: 2011-06-21
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2011;7(1):63-73
This paper suggests an innovative idea of using the “technology fair” as a means for promoting pre-service teachers (university students) decision-making skills. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of a procedure of working with primary school children to complete and present a technology fair project, on the decision-making skills of undergraduate primary education students (pre-service teachers). Pre-tests, midtests and post-tests were administered to undergraduate students before, during and after the preparation of the technology fair, respectively. Data were also collected from reflective diaries kept by the university students during the preparation of the technology fair. A number of students were selected and interviewed after the completion of the technology fair. The analysis of the results indicates that the technology fair has an influence on improving university students’ decision-making strategies within the domain of design and technology.
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