The Effect of Cooperative Learning on Grade 12 Learners’ Performance in Projectile Motions, South Africa
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Department of Manthematics, Science & Technology Education(DMSTE), IUniversity of Limpopo
Publication date: 2016-06-29
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Israel Kibirige
Department of Manthematics, Science & Technology Education(DMSTE), IUniversity of Limpopo, University of Limpopo, DMSTE, P/Bag x1106, 0727 Polokwane, South Africa
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2016;12(9):2543-2556
The study explored the effect of cooperative learning on Grade 12 learners' performance on projectile motions.
Material and methods:
A quasi-experimental research design with non-equivalent control group was used. Two schools were purposively selected from Maleboho Central circuit in South Africa based on their performance in Physical Science Grade 12 results of 2011. The sample consisted of 49 learners from two schools. School A was used as the experimental group (EG) and was taught using cooperative learning technique while school B was the control group (CG) taught using traditional teaching methods. Pre- and post-tests were used to collect data. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics: arithmetic means and standard deviations; and inferential statistics: independent t-test, Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and Cohen’s d.
Results show that EG outperformed the CG suggesting that cooperative learning technique enhanced learners' performance more than the traditional teaching approach.
Therefore, we conclude that cooperative learning improved learners performance in the EG and not the CG.