The Effect of Different Textual
Narrations on Students’ Explanations at
the Submicroscopic Level in Chemistry
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Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman
Publication date: 2013-12-14
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2013;9(1):3-10
The effect of different textual versions (macroscopic (control), submicroscopic, and
guided imagery) of the explanation of a chemical phenomenon on students’
submicroscopic explanation of a related phenomenon was examined. The sample included
152 pre-service science teachers. The three textual versions of the explanation were
distributed randomly to the participants. The results revealed that students who received
the submicroscopic version and those who received the guided imagery version
outperformed students who received the macroscopic version. These results indicated that
students’ use of the submicroscopic understanding was not spontaneous and they needed
to be cued to do so. Also, the submicroscopic mean scores of all three groups were low,
and this might be an indication of a weak ability to: 1) translate between macroscopic and
submicroscopic levels of chemistry, and 2) transfer a submicroscopic understanding of
one phenomenon to another related one.