The Influence of Competition Network Structure and Competitive Behavior on Customer Performance - An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Catering Industry
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School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, CHINA
School of Management and Economics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, CHINA
Online publication date: 2017-11-24
Publication date: 2017-11-24
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(12):8193-8203
This article belongs to the special issue "Problems of Application Analysis in Knowledge Management and Science-Mathematics-Education".
This study proposes and tests a theory of the effects of competition network structure and competitive behavior on customer performance. Competition networks are defined as the patterns of interdependence between rivals that emerge from direct competition. We propose that the size, density and heterogeneity of competition networks influence customer performance in a systemic way. The results show that network size and network density positively affect customer performance, and network heterogeneity has no effect on the customer performance. We also validate the partial mediation role of competitive behavior in the process of competitive network structures affect the customer performance. We test our hypotheses in a unique dataset drawn from the Chinese service industry in Beijing and Shanghai.
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