The Meaning of Studio Practice Over Shadowed by Technology in Design Process
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Altınbaş University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, İstanbul, TURKEY
Online publication date: 2017-11-15
Publication date: 2017-11-15
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(12):7659-7670
This article has been presented in ICES 2017 - International Conference on Environmental Sciences & Educational Studies. This article belongs to the special issue " Interdisciplinary Research on the Environmental Education, Educational Studies in Sustainability & Instructional Technologies and Designs".
Design discipline can be defined as it has dynamic, technologic, socio- cultural features and its process changes constantly. The design problems in the design studio are mostly fictional; the virtual user, program and space become concrete by the requirement program that is specified according to research in this process. Although this designed virtual space has potential for construction, it is observed that it remains at conceptual format on paper and doesn’t become reality. It is a stubborn fact that both conceptual and construction project provide essential contributions to design discipline and make references to different aspects of design. The final design artifact generated in the light of this information, is beyond being just the perceptions, opinions and technological advancements. It can be defined as the reflection of the existence of its designer. In this report it will be emphasized how is design realized, how are the concern of conceptual thinking, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating and resulting processes attained, where is the place of intelligence in the perception of problems. The importance of intelligence in the solving the problems and the experiences of memory in this process will be represented as well. As a result of this the design process and studio practice can be recognized as an “experimental” process and the developments in technology provide various interfaces and data. One of the purposes of this report is the discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of technology in the construction phase, which is the continuation of cognitive process. Beside this, design as an “interface” of susceptibility of its designer will be examined whether it reflects the original identities with technological advancements or not. Within the scope of this study, the real-physical environments perceived by an individual and the “perceptional phychology of space” created in individual’s mind is compared to the individual’s spatial perception experiencing in the virtual environments. The idea of the digital space created by using the VR and AR virtual reality technologies have been researched about to what extent it might be involved with the perception of real human psychology in design education. The effective use of technological visualizing methodologies such as VR and AR will expose a new perspective in design education.
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