The Relationship between Motivation, the Use of Mobile Devices and Satisfaction with Life for Older Farmers
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Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Fujian University of Technology, China
Publication date: 2017-06-16
Corresponding author
You-Te Lu   

Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, No. 1, Nan-Tai Street, Yungkang Dist.,, 710 Tainan City, Taiwan
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(7):4009-4020
In terms of functionality, today’s mobile devices allow users to surf the Internet, monitor e-mail, watch and share videos and pictures, interact on social-networks and utilize a large array of software-driven applications. Much research concerns motivation and satisfaction in the school system, but there is little empirical evidence of how these factors affect older farmers. While mobile technologies and social media have changed the value and importance of human connections, it is necessary to understand the interaction between motivation and satisfaction with life for older famers. This study determines the relationships between motivation, the use of mobile devices and satisfaction with life for older farmers. Key factors are operationalized using scales that are widely used and tested. A survey is distributed to participators and a multiple regression is used to determine whether positive motivation for the use of the Internet and mobile devices predicts the scale for the satisfaction with life. This study contributes to related subjects by determining factors that could be optimized with a view to enhancing learning and satisfaction with life for old farmers.
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