The Role of Storytelling, Drama and the Impact of Technology on Team Spirit in Rural Schools
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Near East University, Northern Cyprus.
Online publication date: 2017-07-12
Publication date: 2017-07-12
Corresponding author
İzel Seylani   

Near East University, Faculty of Education, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus.
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):4481-4489
Conflict management strategies are crucial to enhance the culture of the schools even in rural areas. Communication enhancement and interaction between colleagues within the workplace require willingness to solve problems and develop positive perceptions on conflict. Storytelling approach and expression of the thoughts between colleagues to state problem and put forward steps for win policy in conflict situations are internalized in this research process. The research aims to reveal the role of storytelling approach in conflict management process for increasing the school achievement. The teachers acted voluntarily n the parts of the research. As the nature of the research relies on story telling approach, the qualitative research was employed and self-reports are used to gather in-depth data. The findings showed that teachers need in-service training on empathy for resolution of conflict through storytelling approach. In addition to this, it is revealed that team spirit, technology, professionalism, metaphors become a harmonic picture of story telling approach to enhance conflict management.
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