The Use of Fables in Science Laboratory
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Cyprus International University
Freelance Researcher, TURKEY
Online publication date: 2017-07-12
Publication date: 2017-07-27
Corresponding author
Behbood Mohammadzadeh   

Cyprus International University, Cyprus International University, Faculty of Education, ELT Department, 90000 Lefkosa, Cyprus
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2017;13(8):4471-4480
In this study, undergraduate students were asked to construct fables which occurred in science laboratory. A fable is a type of story which mainly give moral lessons and put forward the principle of life. According to the directions, the students used “rules in laboratory”, “safety cautions”, “laboratory materials” and “first aid principles” in a correct manner. Research group were chosen from Department of Elementary School Education students. Students’ fables were marked with rubrics developed by the researchers. In the marking process, general qualifications of fables and basic principles of science laboratory were questioned in a correct manner. Data was examined by using “code and theme list” to “content analysis technique”. As a result, fables presented and information about their true values were focused on. This study is thought to make contributions in terms of the original contributions for researchers and teachers who are seeking innovations in science education and laboratory techniques in terms of the application.
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