This paper aims to characterise an indicator of the development of the number sequence scheme
among students at the level of Compulsory Secondary Education (14-16 years old students). To
do so, we use a scheme development proposed by the APOS theory to characterise students’ use
of relations between mathematical elements when solving a mathematical task. We use a
qualitative methodology and the data collection instruments are a written questionnaire and a
semi-structured interview. In this work we show the questionnaire task that provides analytical
expressions and ask students to determine which of them numbers sequences are. We find that
students’ use of logical implication when solving tasks related to number sequences is an indicator
of the development of the scheme. This indicator helps to locate the transition mechanisms
between the levels of development of the number sequence scheme. Moreover, our research
shows that arithmetic and geometric progressions play a key role as an indicator of the
development of the number sequence scheme.
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