The aim of this research was to identify mathematics teachers’ cognitive beliefs about gifted students (MTCBGS), mathematics teachers’ cognitive beliefs about learning and teaching mathematics (MTCBLTM), and the relationship between these beliefs. To achieve this, a scale of cognitive beliefs about gifted students among teachers was developed along with a scale of cognitive beliefs for learning and teaching mathematics. The tools were administered to 131 male and female mathematics teachers at different levels in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the academic year 2024. The results revealed that levels of both MTCBGS and MTCBLTM were high. In addition, there was a statistically significant relationship between MTCBGS and MTCBLTM, as well as a statistically significant difference in MTCBGS between teachers with high MTCBLTM and teachers with low MTCBLTM. In view of the results, the researchers recommend building training programs for mathematics teachers according to MTCBGS and MTCBLTM and measuring their effectiveness, as well as spreading awareness about gifted students and teaching mathematics according to constructivist theory.
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