The effect of different interaction patterns in e-training environments in developing the skills of producing interactive lessons for middle school mathematics teachers
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College of Education, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, SAUDI ARABIA
Faculty of Specific Education, Alexandria University, Alexandria, EGYPT
Publication date: 2022-05-26
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2022;18(7):em2125
The aim of this research is to treat the shortcomings of teacher training programs in Saudi Arabia. Some of these programs are not able to fulfill the requirements of professional development because they neglect the impact of different interaction patterns (group and content–individual, content, and trainer–group, content, and trainer) within the e-training environment. This research used the experimental approach with a quasi-experimental design. The research sample was limited to a random sample consisting of 60 mathematics teachers, who were randomly divided into three experimental groups, equally. The results revealed that there are statistically significant differences at 0.05 between the average scores for middle school mathematics teachers in the post application of the cognitive achievement test, observation card, and product evaluation card related to the skills of producing interactive lessons due to the impact of the different interaction patterns in the e-training environment.
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