Transdisciplinary STEM education based on Among’s philosophy implementation against engineering problem-solving and motivation: The case monochromatic light, simple laser project
This study applied transdisciplinary STEM based on Among’s philosophy. This innovative program provides experiences using project-based learning (PBL) with limited laboratory facilities for technology learning. Involved 53 pre-service physics teachers in a physics laboratory course with the affordable cost laser creation project. STEM program using correlation study with a pre-experiment one-group pre-/post-test design approach. The instruments used include an engineering problem-solving cognition test and a motivational questionnaire regarding attitude, interest, and learning response, as well as reinforced by project report documentation. The results showed a significant improvement in engineering problem-solving cognition and motivation in STEM, with a moderately strong correlation between them. Among’s method and lab hands-on engagement contribute to a better engineering understanding and positively impact motivation. Utilizing equipment and materials at affordable costs can effectively integrate technology and engineering into practices.
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