Turkish Mathematics Teachers’
Concerns about the Curriculum
Reform in the First Year of
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Karadeniz Technical University, TURKEY
Publication date: 2013-12-14
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2013;9(2):177-190
The aim of this study was to examine mathematics teachers’ concerns about the sixth
grade curriculum that was launched in Turkey in 2006. As a data collection tool, the Stages
of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ), based on the Concerns Based Adoption Model
(CBAM), was administered twice (at the beginning and the end of the instructional year) to
110 teachers who were using the new mathematics curriculum for the first time. The same
teachers were also asked to provide an open-ended statement in order to obtain qualitative
data. The data were analyzed separately to highlight changes in the teachers’ concerns
about the 6th grade curriculum. According to the results, the teachers were mainly
concerned about becoming sufficiently informed about the program; organization and
timing issues; inadequate school conditions and students’ backgrounds. They were also
concerned about the new instructional materials, although the intensity of their concerns
changed over time.