Turkish School Students and Global
Warming: Beliefs and Willingness
to Act
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Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Kırşehir, TURKEY
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Publication date: 2011-06-21
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2011;7(2):121-134
One aim of environmental education is to persuade people to act in more proenvironmental
ways. However, there is not a linear relationship between environmental
knowledge in general and a willingness to act pro-environmentally. This research explores,
using a specially-devised questionnaire, Turkish school students’ beliefs about the benefits
of specific actions for reducing global warming (their Believed Usefulness of Action), their
readiness to adopt them (their Degree of Willingness to Act), and the relationships between
these. Students appear willing to take certain actions such as switching off un-used
electrical items, but unwilling to undertake other actions such as increasing their use of
public transport. Planting more trees was thought to be the most useful action, whereas
few students appreciated the role that buying fewer new consumables might play. A novel
index, the Potential Effectiveness of Education, was constructed to quantify the relationships
between these two parameters for specific actions. For some actions, such as purchasing
fewer new goods, there were stronger relationships between a belief in the effectiveness of
an action in reducing global warming and the willingness to undertake it. Teaching about
the benefits of such actions might be effective in terms of encouraging individuals to
adopt them.