Two Inseparable Facets of
Technology Integration Programs:
Technology and Theoretical
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Gaziantep Üniversitesi, Gaziantep, TURKEY
Publication date: 2011-06-21
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2011;7(2):75-88
This paper considers the process of program development aiming at technology
integration for teachers. For this consideration, the paper focused on an integration
program which was recently developed as part of a larger project. The participants of this
program were 45 in-service teachers. The program continued four weeks and the conduct
of the program was video-recorded. Along-with the video-records, the content of the
program and the tools employed to document participants’ development were analyzed.
The analyses were performed on the basis of four components of integration program:
objectives, content, teaching-learning situations and assessment. During the analyses,
theoretical framework on which the program was based and the technology employed
during the program was also evaluated. Based on this evaluation, this paper argues that in
the process of both design and conduct of integration programs the technology employed
during the program implementation as well as the theoretical framework which informs
the use of technology during the program implementation need to be considered carefully.
The paper provides evidence that technology and theoretical framework are two
inseparable facets of both design and conduct of integration programs and a true
understanding of the benefits of these programs could only be achieved through the
consideration of these two along with the four components of any integration program.