Understanding Teachers in the Midst of
Reform: Teachers’ Concerns about
Reformed Sixth Grade Mathematics
Curriculum in Turkey
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Middle East Technical University, TURKEY
Publication date: 2012-01-12
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2012;8(3):155-166
The purpose of this study was to investigate mathematics teachers’ concerns about the
reformed 6th grade mathematics curriculum in Turkey and to identify the possible
relations between teachers’ personal characteristics and their concerns about the
curriculum. 306 in-service mathematics teachers teaching in Ankara participated in the
study. Teachers’ concerns about reformed curriculum were identified by administration of
Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM). Results showed that teachers’ concerns
focused mainly on the personal and collaboration stages of the CBAM model. This
indicates that the teachers were not resistant to the change, though they had some
confusion about the curriculum; they wanted to learn from what others knew and were
doing to increase their knowledge and skills about implementation of the reformed