Utilizing History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) to Teach Physics: The Case of Electromagnetic theory
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School of Science, University of Science and Technology Liaoning
Publication date: 2015-04-02
Corresponding author
wei-zhao shi   

School of Science, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, 185 qianshan road, vcshih@aliyun.com Anshan Liaoning, China
EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed 2015;11(3):551-557
History and philosophy of science (HPS) have been implemented in science teaching for a long time. A lot of educators have discussed the need to use HPS in order to understand science and to develop scientific literacy.

Materials and methods:
Here the paper provides a historical and philosophical analysis of the development of electromagnetic theory in physics teaching for the benefit of scientific literacy. The analysis is described by the paradigms offered by Kuhn. A number of scientists’ work in electromagnetic theory which is embedded in the tension between engaging in revolutionary science and normal science provides an insight into how scientific work is thought to proceed.

By realizing these things, the students will become inspired and reinforced in resolve to understand the richness of scientific discovery.

This method will help students make sense out of historical facts and reach tentative conclusions on what was really happening to the scientists involved during the time period being studied. Under this method students analyze provided information and gather other information to aid in their analysis. They then must support their generalizations and defend or abandon them when new evidence is found.

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